
Points of Contact#

Our general email is the best place to shoot any questions you may have.

If you have more casual questions, Slack is the best places to start. You can usually find several of the main PyLadies points of contact in #pyladies.

Online Community#

Whether or not you’re part of a local group, the PyLadies community online welcomes you on Slack as well as IRC.


We have a Pyladies Slack group that you can join by visiting the Slack sign-up link.

You can find channels for your local chapter in the Slack group, as well as create new channels for your location, interests, etc.

Many locations have their own channels. All location channels are prefixed with the name #city-, e.g. #city-nyc.

Quite a few well-known men and women in the Python community participate in Slack and try to keep it a friendly place. Ask Python questions there, talk about what your local group is up to, or just say hi.

Anyone can plan and host virtual meetups in our Slack organization. You should host one! See the Promotion section for further details about how we can help spread word.

You can also create #pyladies-{{whatever}} Slack channels for your country, language, interest group, etc.

Chapter Slack Organizations#

Some chapters and regions have their own Slack organizations:

Please contribute your chapter or region’s Slack organization!

Social Media#

We have a Facebook Community page where all PyLadies and PyLadies-allies are welcome to post and participate in discussions. We also tweet from the official PyLadies Twitter handle.